Thesis: Computer Games Have More Capital Than Evil

In a nut shell, computer games have more capital than evil. Indeed, gamming has proven to be crucial in therapeutic practices, creation of fun, as well as education functions. Who could deny the necessity of computer games? Children who spend hours every day playing computers may not be rotting their brains after all, as many parents fear. Researches indicate that computer games are beneficial for children and help them earn essential life skills.

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Thesis: Computer Games

In the modern world, the term “computer technology” has generated spirited debates raging from professional to domestic. Previously, the world was preoccupied with the negative social economic challenges believed to be brought by computing. Today, the arguments have shifted from professional stage to the domestic arena. Parents are conspicuously engaged in the battle against gamming with their children.

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Thesis: Religion is Healthy in Life

Statistically, religion is healthy in my life since it makes the practises in the society moral and thus the society is a good place one can live in. It should be understood that by believing in God, one could protect himself or herself from a number of earthy criminals. This way, one can be able to protect himself from crimes by seriously remaining faithful to God’s teachings.

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Thesis: Religion Can be Contradicting

Sometimes religion can be contradicting but people who are strong in their faith and who follow the right God’s teachings; it is very easy to overcome these confusions. There is no single time religion will be evil and thus be supported by many people to be void.

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