Thesis: Advantages of Hydro Power

Sample Thesis Paper

There are many advantages in the use of hydro power energy as a source to provide electricity for a population as it is virtually free after dams are successfully constructed. We don’t have to worry about pollution and waste due to the fact that it does not produce any, unlike other power plants which burn coal to generate our electricity. Also Hydro Power is more trustworthy than other forms of power such as wind and solar. This is because wind and solar power are not continuous and can change with the seasons. In fact the use of wind or solar energy is not even reliable on an hourly basis. At certain times the high demand for electricity may not coincide with the peak production of electricity. Since these forms of energy cannot be stored for long term usage, this makes the constant use of this type of energy unreliable. Additionally, the best areas for collection of this energy exist far from the areas where it is supplied. Thus the creation of new transmission lines to supply these homes with this form of energy unfeasible. However, if we consider that these forms of energy can be used to supplement hydro-electricity during peak hours where more electricity is required. Then the use of them becomes feasible as well (United States Department of the Interior; Bureau of Reclamation; Power Resources Office, 2005).

Thesis: Cost effectiveness of Hydro Power

Sample Thesis Paper

Hydropower dams are very expensive to build.  These dams must be built to high standard because damage to the dam can have catastrophic effects.  Therefore, constructing a dam will cost millions of dollars.  It requires a lot of man power and machineries to operate for a very long period.  Once the dam is constructed it needs to be functioning for at least 20 years to cover the cost of investment.

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Thesis: Disadvantages of Hydro Power

Sample Thesis Paper

In my personal viewpoint I suggest we not use Hydro Power as a source of electricity in the 21st century due to the fact that it will cost large amounts of money to have successfully completed dams and that it will take heaps of our environments space to build such dams. The most decent way to go is using maybe solar or wind power energy which take less room and are a sufficient source to provide us with electricity.

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Thesis: Einstein as a Supporter of Personalized Education System

Sample Thesis Paper

He saw the freedom to pursue his research as the most important need in his life. In pursuit of his freedom he declared that he would only remain in a country that would place the political and social rights of his citizens before the rule of law (Feuer, 80, 1982). He encouraged independent thought and was one of the first well known scientists to say that the structured education system within schools and universities interfered with the development of young minds. Thus he was one of the first people to support a more personalized education system that caters to the mind of each student (Feuer, 331, 1982). He also was one of the first people to speak on the importance of individuality and how it was essential for the survival of communities (Galison, Holton, & Schweber, 219, 2008).