Essay: Reception Theory: Jean-Luc Goddard’s Breathless

Sample Essay


Breathless is Jean-Luc Goddard’s Crime and Romance drama that was released in 1960. In Jean-Luc Goddard’s Breathless, there are a number of characters but the two most fundamental of characters are Jean-Paul Belmondo who played Michel Poiccard and Jean Seberg who played Patricia Franchini. At the time of its release, the motion picture was accepted as nothing less than a rebel of sorts amongst other motion pictures of the same motion picture direction era (Heilman, 2002).

The thesis for this particular paper however, is that Jean-Luc Goddard’s Breathless (Belmondo & Seberg, 1960) chose to go against the general norms of motion picture direction, and in doing so, was highly successful in making a major contribution to modern day motion picture direction.

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