Thesis on Changes in Medical Practice

Over time, social and technological changes have led to changes in medical practice and the erosion of a caring ethic. Too many patients, the image of a doctor is akin to a Norman Rockwell painting of the kind, gentle, fatherly man who makes house calls, patiently holds hands and seems intuitively attuned to his patients’ needs. Doctors, too, identify with this image as a role model.

Thesis: Early Philosophy of Customer Loyalty

Sample Thesis Paper

Customer loyalty is now recognized as being undisputedly necessary for an organization if long-term success is to be achieved. A concept that prevailed to quite an extent in earlier years of development of the corporate environment was that product price and quality were the only two prime factors that were to be considered to hold any degree of significance if a product was to be a success (Barlow 2009).

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Thesis: Retail Marketing Techniques

Sample Thesis Paper

Retail marketing techniques also include the establishment of systems that take advantage of any opportunity that they can come across to turn a prospective consumer into a loyal consumer. Measures to meet objectives such as these included the setting up of automated answering machines that late consumers can call on to acquire basic information about the outlet and any particulars they are interested in. Automated answering machines can also be used to briefly advertise any special offers that are currently being run and can refer prospective consumers to other channels through which they can find out more about the retail outlet, its products and its services.

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Thesis: Establishment of Brand Loyalty

Sample Thesis

Branding is perhaps one of the most important areas of all the areas that have a direct influence upon customer loyalty. This is so because the establishment of brand loyalty in a customer towards a particular brand is no less than the customer becoming an advocate for the brand and the affects of this particular genre of customer loyalty is one that does not have only immediate affects but also spans the long-term relationship of the customer with the brand. The development of brand loyalty is imperative to the success of a business as can be seen in the example of Debenhams UK. Debenhams UK supports a large number of varying brands but masters the art of brand management and has therefore seen much progress during its process of evolution.