Thesis: Foreign Direct Investment adopted by Angola

Sample Thesis Paper

As mentioned in chapter 1, the first objective for conducting this research is to analyse the Foreign Direct Investment impact   adopted by Angola using Multifactor Foreign Direct Investment Questionnaire covering a wide range of Foreign Direct Investment impact   and outcomes. The reason for selecting the Multifactor Foreign Direct Investment Questionnaire is given in section 3.4 Questionnaire Design. Since the question of Foreign Direct Investment topic is too broad, the researcher is constrained to narrow down the scope of the research process in order to draw attention and focus principle Foreign Direct Investment issues facing Angola that needs corrective action.

It is therefore considered that the research objective incorporates analysis of Foreign Direct Investment impact   adopted by ANGOLA in terms of growth, development, employment and exports together with the effects on Foreign Direct Investment. In addition, this research covers the reasons limiting growth in ANGOLA in case of the detrimental effects on FDI and the relationship between FDI and growth.

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