Thesis: Impact of Improving Human Resource Policies

Sample Thesis Paper


The scope of this research comprises of and is limited to the methods of research described in the next chapter and the impact of improving human resource policies on employee satisfaction and customer satisfaction with a focus on two automobile companies which are Toyota India and Ford India. Comparison of human resource policies and their impact on employee satisfaction is carried out and explained. A careful and conscientious attempt has been made to analyse and compare the policies implemented by these companies and the various techniques used to improve these policies in order to increase the level of employee satisfaction thereby raising the level of customer satisfaction. The process of improving human resource policies in both companies is evaluated closely to test the level of impact these improvements have on employee satisfaction.


This research has been carried out and completed after appropriate acceptance and authorisation of the instructor. The information included in the research report has been presented after complete consideration and assurance that all issues related to copyright and plagiarism have been covered throughout the research. The contributors and participants of this research were contacted after written permission from the research mentor and utmost care is taken to assure that personal information of the participants is not disclosed without their prior permission. The objective of preparing and presenting this report is not to be exhaustive in any way. Although the researcher has taken great care in researching and preparing this report, this report should not be used to make vital business decisions. The report is distributed subject to the condition that it shall not by any means of trade or otherwise be resold, hired out, lent out or redistributed commercially or for business purposes without the prior approval of the instructor and researcher.

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