Thesis: Profound Effects cars have on Lives

Sample Thesis Paper

Apart from the effects on out habitat, cars have had a profound effect on our lives.  According to[1], vehicles have had a social impact since the 20s. The vehicle was associated with importance and success.

Prior to the boom in 1920, the vehicle was a symbol of status because very few individuals could afford it. When mass production was made possible in 1920, the vehicle became cheap; in the process more Canadians could buy a car. The vehicle represented style and was known to improve a person’s social status. According to[2], the vehicle improved the society’s work performance, business and shopping. This is because it was easier to move from one place to another, and transport, deliver goods and services. The vehicle made it possible for police to respond to emergencies faster, as compared to horse riding. Not only did it improve daily life, but it revolutionized how people spent their leisure time. People were able to access parts of their cities, towns, country by car. It was now possible for people to go on vacation, earn some extra money, in the process auto-vacations and road trips became common[3]. People opted to move the suburbs since they could drive to work.

[1] White, Richard Making, Cars in Canada: a Brief History of the Canadian Automobile industry: 1900-1980, (transformational series, 2007).

[2] Kenny, Kim. Cars in the 1920s; the early automobile Industry, 2009, retrieved Feb. 22, 2011 from

[3] Kenny, Kim. Cars in the 1920s; the early automobile Industry, 2009, retrieved Feb. 22, 2011 from

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