Essay: Causes of 9/11 Attacks

Sample Essay

It has been observed that 9/11 came as a result of an anger that had been consistently brewing inside the Arab and Muslim masses regarding the support that the US administrations chose to give dictatorial Arab regimes for the sake of acquiring oil at cheap prices. The Muslims of these countries feel a dreading and increasing sense of humiliation as the western media continues to stress upon the fact and focus their attention upon the information that the perpetrators involved in the September 11 attacks were from middle and lower class Muslim families and backgrounds.
The anger that prevails amongst the Arab and Muslim masses comes as no surprise considering the fact that a vast majority of these countries is ruled by an absence of democratic leaders and has been in this state for an immeasurable period of time. This fact combined with the stance that Arab leaders hold toward the US also serves to increase the degree of anguish amongst the Muslim masses of the world. Considering the above mentioned discussion, we can infer that the anger that prevails in the Muslim world towards the US is not because of financial deficiencies, but because of the poverty of dignity instigated by the turn of events.

It has been observed that 9/11 came as a result of an anger that had been consistently brewing inside the Arab and Muslim masses regarding the support that the US administrations chose to give dictatorial Arab regimes for the sake of acquiring oil at cheap prices. The Muslims of these countries feel a dreading and increasing sense of humiliation as the western media continues to stress upon the fact and focus their attention upon the information that the perpetrators involved in the September 11 attacks were from middle and lower class Muslim families and backgrounds.The anger that prevails amongst the Arab and Muslim masses comes as no surprise considering the fact that a vast majority of these countries is ruled by an absence of democratic leaders and has been in this state for an immeasurable period of time. This fact combined with the stance that Arab leaders hold toward the US also serves to increase the degree of anguish amongst the Muslim masses of the world. Considering the above mentioned discussion, we can infer that the anger that prevails in the Muslim world towards the US is not because of financial deficiencies, but because of the poverty of dignity instigated by the turn of events.

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