Thesis: The Absence of a Constitution in Great Britain

Sample Thesis Paper

When referring to Great Britain as a country that has no constitution, it is essential to note that Great Britain has no written constitution that can be subjected to changes, amendments or other such actions by the parliament. There is no collection of fundamental laws put together to form what is referred to as the constitution (Caenegem, 1992). The concept behind the absence of a constitution is that law is exercised best and in its original form only when it is not present in a form in which it can be altered or subjected to legislative procedure.

It is essential to note that the absence of a constitution does not have any implications on common law or on the degree of liberty in Great Britain. In Great Britain, the functions that would otherwise be derived from the constitution, is replaced by the sovereignty of the parliament. The parliament holds the position of the absolute and supreme legislature (Caenegem, 1992). Therefore, through this infrastructure, no present parliament can put restrictions on the actions of a future parliament and there is no restriction from revoking the laws of a previous parliament. Furthermore, the sovereignty of the parliament becomes unquestionable in light of the fact that the absence of a constitution leaves judges in no position to refuse a law on grounds of its applicability to a constitution.

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