Thesis: Accolade versus Sega

Sample Thesis Paper


This study will focus on the case, Accolade versus Sega which was contested in the 1990s. Sega created and marketed a games console known as Genesis in the early 1990s. When they created the Genesis, Sega made sure that they had included secret programming codes and security devices as a part of the Genesis. This was to dissuade game companies from creating their own games for the console without Sega’s involvement. Making games for a console involves the use of programming in a language the machine can recognize.

This version of the written program is called the source code. Once the source is fed into the computer it changes it into machine code which is essentially a series of ones and zeros. The only way for a human being to understand the code is by using a decompiler which changes the machine code back into the programming code. However the decompiled source code is not always accurate necessitating the service of engineers to figure out what the original source code was. This is a process known as reverse engineering. Accolade used reverse engineering on the software game programs made for the Genesis so that they could find a way to make their own games for it. Accolade was a company from San Jose, California before on their previous console who created, marketed and profited from games such as “Ishido: The way of Stones” while Sega saw none of these proceeds.

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