Thesis: Assumptions in the Product Line Extension for Colgate Palmolive

Sample Thesis Paper

The report on the product line extension would not be justified unless the assumptions and considerations of the report were not presented. The report made use of the annual report for Colgate Palmolive for the year 2008 because the company does not publish its annual reports for the previous year until the end of the first quarter of the next year. Also, the data provided was taken from the Colgate Palmolive website. The paper also assumed that Colgate Palmolive is currently stable and is in a position where it can consider and exercise a product line extension. It was also considered that the current distribution network for Colgate Palmolive is adequate and functioning appropriately.


The product line extension of the Colgate Palmolive Mouth Freshening Mint appears to be one that shows favourable signs and indications of success. The paper found that Colgate Palmolive is currently in a position where it can make use of its current set up to launch the product line extension. It was also found that as much as the product line extension of the Colgate Palmolive Mouth Freshening Mint appears to be favourable, it is also one that may face extensive competition in its later days and will therefore require a dedicated and consistent approach.

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