Thesis: What Are The Five Best Attractions In Debenhams

Sample Thesis Paper

In order to attain an insight into the participant’s opinion on their loyalty to Debenhams a question was added which was designed to identify the specific areas of Debenhams that they found appealing. The question was open ended and allowed participants to identify up to five characteristics of Debenhams that were appealing to them in way that contributed to their loyalty towards Debenhams.
In response to this question, the participants identified numerous reasons for their loyalty or liking for Debenhams. The reasons stated ranged from quality, to quantity, to price. Quite a few of the participants chose to state that their liking for Debenhams was motivated primarily by the clothes that the store had to offer. Whereas nearly the same number implied that they found Debenhams to be a viable shopping source because of the combination of price and quality that it had to offer. Other responses received to this question from the participants included more passive characteristics such as atmosphere, environment, location, store tidiness and attractive building settings.
The reasons that the survey participants gave ranged from tangible characteristics to intangible characteristics. Participants were of the opinion that they were drawn to shopping at Debenhams because of the vastness of range it offered in the items that it hosted.

In order to attain an insight into the participant’s opinion on their loyalty to Debenhams a question was added which was designed to identify the specific areas of Debenhams that they found appealing. The question was open ended and allowed participants to identify up to five characteristics of Debenhams that were appealing to them in way that contributed to their loyalty towards Debenhams.In response to this question, the participants identified numerous reasons for their loyalty or liking for Debenhams. The reasons stated ranged from quality, to quantity, to price. Quite a few of the participants chose to state that their liking for Debenhams was motivated primarily by the clothes that the store had to offer. Whereas nearly the same number implied that they found Debenhams to be a viable shopping source because of the combination of price and quality that it had to offer. Other responses received to this question from the participants included more passive characteristics such as atmosphere, environment, location, store tidiness and attractive building settings.The reasons that the survey participants gave ranged from tangible characteristics to intangible characteristics. Participants were of the opinion that they were drawn to shopping at Debenhams because of the vastness of range it offered in the items that it hosted.

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