Thesis: Should Companies Follow Ethical Principles

Sample Thesis Paper

With regard to the question asked to determine whether or not companies should follow ethical principles as primary policies and give commercial principles a second place to them, it was observed in the case of Qatar that thirty percent of the respondents chose to strongly agree to the idea while a mere two percent chose to strongly disagree. Another nineteen percent chose to strongly agree while an observation nothing less than phenomenal showed that a similar share of the respondents chose to strongly disagree, leaving almost one third of the participants neither agreeing nor disagreeing with the hypothetical question.

In the case of the US and with regard to the same question, it was observed that a staggering fifty one percent of the respondents chose to strongly agree while not a single one of the participants chose to strongly disagree. Thirty six percent of the participants chose to agree while only five percent of the participants chose to disagree, leaving only eight percent of the participants neither agreeing nor disagreeing with the hypothetical question.

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