Thesis: Customer Responsiveness

Sample Thesis Paper

Expansion into a commercial market generally calls for a high degree of diversity to be brought about in the company’s product range. This is because of the fact that while the commercial market entry allows the company to take advantage of a high degree of prospects and potentials, it also places the company in a position where it has to face increased competition and has no other option but to compete just as aggressively if it is to survive (Mackie 1998, p. 3).
Considering the fact that the company in question is an engineering company and is one that is entering the commercial market with its range of forklifts, it is imperative to develop the organization in a manner such that it is adaptive to the workloads and the nature of changes brought about in the personnel’s day to day functioning as influenced by the commercial market. It is imperative to note that while certain changes shall be ones that shall have to be brought about in a rather direct and swift fashion, others shall be more subtle and may have more disturbing consequences on personnel. For instance, repetitive behaviour tends to take on the form of a habit and in the case that an employee is continuously functioning in a specific manner and is then asked to bring about only a slight change in the manner of the employee’s working, there is a chance that the employee shall have difficulty in bringing about the small and seemingly insignificant change (Harris and Hartman 2001, p. 436). On the other hand, an employee who is asked to go through a training program and develop a set of new skills may be able to cope by realizing his/her role as one that has been redefined for the organization.

Expansion into a commercial market generally calls for a high degree of diversity to be brought about in the company’s product range. This is because of the fact that while the commercial market entry allows the company to take advantage of a high degree of prospects and potentials, it also places the company in a position where it has to face increased competition and has no other option but to compete just as aggressively if it is to survive (Mackie 1998, p. 3). Considering the fact that the company in question is an engineering company and is one that is entering the commercial market with its range of forklifts, it is imperative to develop the organization in a manner such that it is adaptive to the workloads and the nature of changes brought about in the personnel’s day to day functioning as influenced by the commercial market. It is imperative to note that while certain changes shall be ones that shall have to be brought about in a rather direct and swift fashion, others shall be more subtle and may have more disturbing consequences on personnel. For instance, repetitive behaviour tends to take on the form of a habit and in the case that an employee is continuously functioning in a specific manner and is then asked to bring about only a slight change in the manner of the employee’s working, there is a chance that the employee shall have difficulty in bringing about the small and seemingly insignificant change (Harris and Hartman 2001, p. 436). On the other hand, an employee who is asked to go through a training program and develop a set of new skills may be able to cope by realizing his/her role as one that has been redefined for the organization.

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