Thesis: Durability of Samsung Mobile Phones

Sample Thesis Paper

With regard to durability, a total of forty nine percent of the survey respondents agreed to the hypothetical question that mobile phones manufactured by Samsung are very durable. However, it was observed that forty eight percent of the respondents chose to disagree to the hypothetical question whereas three percent chose to remain neutral in response to the question. With regard to customer service, a total of thirty three percent of the survey respondents agreed to the hypothetical question that mobile phones manufactured by Samsung are followed by excellent customer service.

However, it was observed that sixty five percent of the respondents chose to disagree to the hypothetical question whereas two percent chose to remain neutral in response to the question. With regard to sales promotional activities, a total of thirty three percent of the survey respondents agreed to the hypothetical question that Samsung are engages in extensive sales promotional activities. However, it was observed that forty four percent of the respondents chose to disagree to the hypothetical question whereas two percent chose to remain neutral in response to the question.

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