Thesis: Findings and Analysis on CSR

Sample Thesis Paper

Chapter 5 – Results/Findings and Analysis


The following paragraphs shall attempt to contribute to the research by shedding light on the responses received from the survey participants in a manner such that initially the responses received with regard to Qatar shall be elaborated after which the responses received with regard to the UK shall be highlighted. This shall be followed by a comparison of the observations to identify similarities, differences and tendencies for the observations to move from one region to another.

Private companies must bear civil responsibilities

In the case of the question asked to determine whether private companies should bear civil responsibilities, it was observed that in the case of Qatar, thirty nine percent of the respondents chose to strongly agree while only four percent of the participants chose to strongly disagree. Another twenty eight percent chose to agree while only ten percent chose to select disagree as the option of their choice. However, nineteen percent of the participants chose to neither agree nor disagree on the subject. In the case of the UK and with regard to the very same question, it was observed that sixty two percent of the respondents chose to strongly agree while not a single one of the participants chose to strongly disagree. At the same time, the trend continued as twenty seven percent of the participants chose to agree while three percent of the participants chose to disagree, thereby leaving a mere eight percent who chose to neither agree nor disagree.

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