Thesis: Founder of Political Science

Sample Thesis Paper – Political Science

Aristotle however saw the functions of politics just as the functions of a body. He surmised that there were different parts of a city each of which served a common function. Their order of living is decided by the constitution which is analogous to the soul. And it can only possess a semblance of order if it has a ruler. Aristotle distinguished the various types of government saying that each had a commonality which can help the individual attain a noble living. However, Aristotle’s writings did not speak about the emotional health of its citizens saying that the presence of morality and the ability to complete tasks given would lead them to a fulfilling life. He also saw that a constitution like its people does not remain constant over time and it should be the will of the lawmakers to change it for the betterment of the community (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy).
The development of rationalism occurred around the time of the renaissance (Marxist Internet Archive). It was during this time among the merchants and craftsmen of Northern Italy that political philosophy began to flourish again. One such philosopher responsible was the founder of political science Niccolò Machiavelli. Machiavelli argued that the true prosperity of any state depended upon the qualities, strength or experience of an individual leader. His works spoke of maintaining the balance of power in favor of the rule of government by any means necessary even by adopting immoral values (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy).

Aristotle however saw the functions of politics just as the functions of a body. He surmised that there were different parts of a city each of which served a common function. Their order of living is decided by the constitution which is analogous to the soul. And it can only possess a semblance of order if it has a ruler. Aristotle distinguished the various types of government saying that each had a commonality which can help the individual attain a noble living. However, Aristotle’s writings did not speak about the emotional health of its citizens saying that the presence of morality and the ability to complete tasks given would lead them to a fulfilling life. He also saw that a constitution like its people does not remain constant over time and it should be the will of the lawmakers to change it for the betterment of the community (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy).
The development of rationalism occurred around the time of the renaissance (Marxist Internet Archive). It was during this time among the merchants and craftsmen of Northern Italy that political philosophy began to flourish again. One such philosopher responsible was the founder of political science Niccolò Machiavelli. Machiavelli argued that the true prosperity of any state depended upon the qualities, strength or experience of an individual leader. His works spoke of maintaining the balance of power in favor of the rule of government by any means necessary even by adopting immoral values (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy).

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