Thesis: How To Generate Ideas

Sample Thesis Paper

As a consequence, learners learn how to generate ideas, to express, and to communicate them in a range of artistic forms learned. According to Hamblen (1993) state that learners through learning arts they understand the significance and purpose of art and art making to diverse cultures and peoples and students are provided by a unique ways of knowing the impact of their thinking and feeling in vital ways on their understanding of others and the world.There are a number of scholars who have done comprehensive studies in relation to the nature of arts learning and the impact of  arts learning on the students lives, school and community (table1: outcomes of the arts education). For instance, Charles (1996) states that arts learning enable the students to: learn well because it is fun, could work cooperatively as they are active participants, develop empathy for learners to try new experiences and to think more deeply about their environment, attain social success which impacts positively on education, and lastly due to active participation and learner involvement learning becomes learner centered and resource based. These are not only advantages to the learners but also advantageous to the instructors as they usually have easy time in managing and controlling the class (Helen and Moore, 2002).

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