Thesis: Guidelines to consume harmless drinking water

Sample Thesis Paper

Would it be enough to require public systems to inform their customers of the risks involved? Would your family/friends understand the implications of 1 in 100 risk of cancer? Do they smoke?

Nearly half of the male population in India and Bangladesh smoke. No, not every individual is aware of the fact concerning 1 in 100 risk of cancer due to presence of high levels of arsenic in drinking water. Moreover, it is not just the responsibility of public systems to inform their customers of the risks involved, but government involvement is also needed. All the institutions must work together to fight with this dilemma. For example, within Canada, it is responsibility of Federal, provincial and territorial governments’ altogether to make safe drinking water available to the citizens.

Health Canada operates with provinces and territories of Canada to set up the Guidelines to uphold the quality of drinking water in Canada. These guidelines intend to make sure that Canadians must consume harmless drinking water. Such guidelines are reviewed and revised regularly to reflect new information about contaminants that are found in drinking water. These guidelines are used by all the drinking water supplier authorities in Canada as the foundation for upholding quality of drinking water requirements.

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