Thesis: Impacts of Ethics and Culture on negotiation

Sample Thesis Paper

Based on the population characteristics and structure in respect to diversity, cultural and ethical has impact on the decision arrived at or the process of deriving the decision.  Evidently, the issues that parents raised such as crossing of the cultural and economic gives an insight that the parents are culture and ethnic sensitive.The aristocrats would not prefer their children or students to interact with poor students; thus become a big impediment to the decision derivation. However, it is wise to let children play, learn and grow while interacting with other to prepare for interaction at higher levels such as workplace, sports and other social events (Sebenius and David, 2007). Therefore, Miami School ought to do everything in its power in order to help every parent out, but there is no means that can to make everyone happy.

            In conclusion this paper has discussed the implications of the parent’s concerns, determine who are the stakeholders, identify best negotiation strategy to be employed and evaluate the impact of cultural and ethnic difference on decision arrived at. However, the negotiation should be involving and participation to be people centered as opposed to imposing the idea.

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