Thesis: Implementation of CRM and SCM in Dell

Sample Thesis Paper

It was observed that Dell comes forth as a prime example of the implementation of CRM and SCM since it does not merely fashion its operations to implement SCM and CRM strategies but fashions its business model in a manner such that it is based on SCM and CRM strategies. By providing consumers with customized products and services, Dell is allowing each customer to acquire the unique solution that the consumer requires while a rigid monitoring of stock status and supplier commitments allows Dell to ensure timely deliveries. Dell extends the model by providing consumers with professional after-sales support that responds to individual customer queries as per their specific orders and requirements.
We can infer from the above discussion on the imperativeness of CRM and SCM and Dell’s integrated implementation of both that it is of the utmost importance for a modern day company to employ these two approaches if it is to ensure that its customer base remains stable along with its position in the industry. Dell was selected as an example for this paper in light of the fact that it serves as an iconic performance of a successful and thorough implementation of the two approaches. CRM and SCM can be concluded to be two highly essential management approaches and play an integral role in the established functioning of a company with its value chain partners.

It was observed that Dell comes forth as a prime example of the implementation of CRM and SCM since it does not merely fashion its operations to implement SCM and CRM strategies but fashions its business model in a manner such that it is based on SCM and CRM strategies. By providing consumers with customized products and services, Dell is allowing each customer to acquire the unique solution that the consumer requires while a rigid monitoring of stock status and supplier commitments allows Dell to ensure timely deliveries. Dell extends the model by providing consumers with professional after-sales support that responds to individual customer queries as per their specific orders and requirements.We can infer from the above discussion on the imperativeness of CRM and SCM and Dell’s integrated implementation of both that it is of the utmost importance for a modern day company to employ these two approaches if it is to ensure that its customer base remains stable along with its position in the industry. Dell was selected as an example for this paper in light of the fact that it serves as an iconic performance of a successful and thorough implementation of the two approaches. CRM and SCM can be concluded to be two highly essential management approaches and play an integral role in the established functioning of a company with its value chain partners.

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