Thesis: Intricacies of the Corporate Social Responsibility

Sample Thesis Paper

The discussion presented above and the research performed were carried out in order to determine the authenticity of the thesis statement which held that consumer perceptions across developed and developing economies have a significant degree of influence on Corporate Social Responsibility strategies. The research was conducted by performing a literature review of peer reviewed publications with regard to the intricacies of the Corporate Social Responsibility.

Light was shed on the practice of Corporate Social Responsibility through a secondary research. The secondary research began with an introduction to Corporate Social Responsibility and moved on to provide a framework for the review to be carried out upon. Areas such as the implications of social responsibility and the factors that serve to motivate organizations to engage in Corporate Social Responsibility were highlighted. The discussion also brought forth the role of consumer awareness with regard to Corporate Social Responsibility. As the secondary research continued, it provided the researcher with knowledge required to carry out the primary research. The secondary research played a crucial role in the development of the survey questionnaire and once implemented, the findings of the survey questionnaire were analyzed in light of the secondary research to acquire a clear picture of the observations and their underlying trends.

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