Thesis: Korea’s Telecommunication industry in a global perspective

Sample Thesis Paper

If one was to consider Korea’s telecommunication industry’s position in an international perspective, then there are five major players that dominate the global telecommunication industry. These are Nokia, Samsung Electronics, Sony Ericsson and Motorola; making two out of the five from Korea.

“In the last 10 years, the telecommunications environment in Korea has changed dramatically. Korea now leads the world in several important market categories and it has become a successful model for other countries, even for developed countries. Today’s telecommunications market as “private, competitive, mobile, and global. The Korean mobile communications service market has embraced a series of changes that have played an important role for national economic development” (Lee, Choi, and Ahn 2007).

Of the many factors that exist that can be attributed to be the reasons because of which the Korean Telecommunication market is undergoing such growth, one of the most important is the fact that consumers continue to demand more. Even though entry barriers are high and have experienced an increase due to the recession, there is still demand for differentiated products and services in the mass market. This demand is further stimulated by the fact that the government has applied no restrictions on the access of foreign capital in the telecommunication industry.

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