Thesis: Limitations in Primary Research

Sample Thesis Paper

With regard to the limitations encountered, it is imperative to note that the primary research instrument, although designed and implemented with the maximum care possible, was perhaps the one area where the research was most prone to falling victim to limitations. It is therefore advised that when the findings of this research are brought into use, the presence of the limitations that supplemented the use of the chosen primary research instrument should also be acknowledged.

Another limitation that the research faced was that the secondary research attempted to make use of a large number of previous studies. The use of previous studies, while an apparently feasible option that seeks to add to the authenticity of the research, is an approach that comes with its own specific set of limitations. These limitations are far broad and far reaching than one would expect and are manifested in the fact that when each of the previous researches used was carried out, there were a set of limitations present as they are now and they may or may not have had an influence on the research findings. This uncertainty of implication may have had passive and indirect implications on this research since previous researches were used frequently throughout the study and were also brought into use in the development of the primary research instrument. However, it is of the utmost importance to note that the research was carried out with every possible care to ensure that only the most authentic of material was brought into use and that the application of the primary research questionnaire was performed without letting the study fall victim to the countless research limitations that exist. A fundamentally precautionary approach was followed during the data collection, the data handling and the data analysis.

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