Thesis: Lippitt’s Phases of Change Theory

Sample Thesis Paper

This theory is often considered to be an expanded extension of Lewin’s Model of Change. While Lewin’s model placed change as a process that could be described through a total of three steps, this modified and enhanced version distributed the process of change across seven stages (Ziegler, 2005). The fundamental distinction between the two theories towards change remains in the perception towards the actual process (Joel, 2005). While Lewin’s model was one that focused on the occurrence of the process, Lippitt’s model focuses on the instigating party that serves as the agent responsible for the change.

The model begins by diagnosing the problem and proceeds to assess the actual extent to which change can be brought about. Once the assessment for the change capacity has been performed, the model proceeds to identify the resources available at hand that can prove to be integral in the motivation of employees towards the change (Joel, 2005). This assessment is not only limited to the assessment of the tangible resources but also the capacity to which the agent can commit to the change process. The fourth step entails the determination of action plans and specific objectives of the change. This stage is then followed by the specific role that the agents of the change shall play during the change process (Swansburg, 2002). The determination of specific roles is essential to provide employees with channels to seek information and motivation from during the change process. At this point, continuous and seamless communication becomes imperative which is why Lippitt regards the maintenance of change as a unique stage in the process (Harris & Roussel, 2009). In the seventh stage, the leading agents step back from their positions as leaders as the change process, its implementation and its goals become part of the organization’s culture.

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