Thesis: Major ERP Inclined Organizations

Sample Thesis Paper

Study Methodology

This study proposes a meta-analysis approach to identify compulsory CSF from the case studies of firms’ successes and failures. The case study method has received much contribution from Yin (2003). Case study is justified in this study because it will enable the researcher set the CFFs that affect the outcome of ERP implementation. The case study will be instrumental in exploring other aspects such as processes leading to failures and reasons on real time basis especially when the cause and effects parameters are not clear from the beginning of the study. Consequently, the case study method is effective in   gathering rich data for deriving the critical success factors that are compulsory for ERP implementation.

Using the case study method (Yin, 2003) and a subsequent meta-analysis approach of literatures, a suitable methodology evolves, whose outcome can replicated by major ERP inclined organizations. Therefore, the case study protocol will be outlined and tested for accuracy and consistency of outcomes. The case study follows the study aims and objectives from main contents to sub themes. Various organizations that have undergone ERP implementation projects will be sampled and management interviewed along a preset questionnaire. Each case study will be expected to show list of Critical Success Factors. The roles of senior management, IT team leaders, IT operatives, logistical heads, production managers, ERP service providers among other will be targeted for case studies. Since diverse positions are expected to arise from the various case studies, there is need for a key ERP project specialist reference point to benchmark others. Thus, the case study will propose that CIO of every company and the ERP service providers as the lead judgement in every case study.

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