Thesis: Minimum Customisation Vs Full Functionality

Sample Thesis Paper

Some of the reports in Adam and O’Doherty (2000)’s article suggests that there were tough negotiations being carried out where on the one side implementer seeked zero modification, whereas on the other side, the client seeked 100% functionality in the new ERP system. Their report also relates some of the concerns among the staff in expecting the repetition of the existing functionalities in the new system, rather than meeting business requirements with the new system and migrating data from their existing systems. However, as their report further suggests that these problems were tackled after the collaboration between the client and the implementer, the lack of further details in the evidence downplays the importance of the issue.
The next chapter concludes the study and discusses the critical success factors of Enterprise Resource Planning in SMEs. It will also discuss the management implications, limitations and the further recommendations for the research

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