Thesis Paper: Perceiving Brand Loyalty

Sample Thesis Paper

It is necessary to understand at this point that to the seller, the singular motivation to generate brand loyalty amongst the consumers is to make effective use of the customer’s behavioural patterns to give them a sense of satisfaction that influences them to repurchase a product even if the influence is feeling of satisfaction is passive and/or underlying. In light of this approach modern day brand loyalty strategies are based upon development in three varying aspects. Companies choose to concentrate their efforts on consumer migration, a broad understanding of attitudes, and the way in which investments are tailored to concentrate on both (NexPress 2003).
From the numerous research studies that have been highlighted in this paper and the time that they span, it can be inferred that the study into brand loyalty has now turned into one of the most active areas of research and development. From analysing, the approaches adopted in researches such as those mentioned in the paragraph above, it would not be unjustified to derive that the research in the area of brand loyalty might have possibly begun primarily with a research into customer satisfaction. While this inference may lead us to conclude that customer satisfaction is synonymous to business success, more recent research studies such as those by Lundy discussed above, show that parallel areas of study pertaining to the attitudes and behaviours that a consumer holds towards a product also possess similar degrees of significance. This area of business study is more commonly referred by the name of this papers subject of discussion, loyalty.

It is necessary to understand at this point that to the seller, the singular motivation to generate brand loyalty amongst the consumers is to make effective use of the customer’s behavioural patterns to give them a sense of satisfaction that influences them to repurchase a product even if the influence is feeling of satisfaction is passive and/or underlying. In light of this approach modern day brand loyalty strategies are based upon development in three varying aspects. Companies choose to concentrate their efforts on consumer migration, a broad understanding of attitudes, and the way in which investments are tailored to concentrate on both (NexPress 2003).
From the numerous research studies that have been highlighted in this paper and the time that they span, it can be inferred that the study into brand loyalty has now turned into one of the most active areas of research and development. From analysing, the approaches adopted in researches such as those mentioned in the paragraph above, it would not be unjustified to derive that the research in the area of brand loyalty might have possibly begun primarily with a research into customer satisfaction. While this inference may lead us to conclude that customer satisfaction is synonymous to business success, more recent research studies such as those by Lundy discussed above, show that parallel areas of study pertaining to the attitudes and behaviours that a consumer holds towards a product also possess similar degrees of significance. This area of business study is more commonly referred by the name of this papers subject of discussion, loyalty.

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