Thesis: Phosphoresce bands in Blue Diamonds

Sample Thesis Paper

Boron is a Dopant which is an impurity in the carbon of this diamond. Dopants may contain more or less valence electrons than the semiconductor which allows the semiconductor to excite an electron to the band gap and cross the band gap respectively. Thus, in both cases less energy is required than a normal semiconductor for the electrons to get excited and emit their own particular band of light (Webexhibits 2009).

Thus, the hope diamond can be perceived to be blue since it only requires the thermal energy of a room to excite its electrons and normal white light. According to researchers all blue diamonds have phosphoresce bands which are centered at the 500 and 660 nm wavelengths. The color of this phosphorescence in the hope diamond is red (Physorg 2005; 2008).

An examination which has been conducted by a very sensitive colorimeter has shown that there is a slight violet component to the deep blue color of the diamond which cannot be seen by the naked eye. This violet component provides evidence of the original state of the diamond when it was found by Jean Baptiste Tavernier (Encylopedia Smithsonian 2008).

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