Thesis: Purpose of Retail Marketing

Sample Thesis Paper – Retail Marketing

Generally, retail marketing allows the retailer to eliminate marketing costs that the retailer would otherwise have to incur in case the retailer decided to hire e third party carry out marketing techniques for the retailer. It allows the retailer to establish credibility with the consumer because of the direct interaction between the consumer/prospective consumer and the retailer that retail marketing incorporates. Retailers generally use retail marketing as a tool to make their consumers feel as comfortable as possible with the goods and services that they have to offer. Retail marketing serves to allow the consumers to observe the retail outlet through a perspective that encourages them to make a purchase from the retail establishment (Liljenwall 2004). It is for the same reason that retail marketing incorporates a significant amount of communication on the part of the retail marketer in order to educate the consumers and the prospective consumers about the goods and services that the subject retail outlet has to offer.

Generally, retail marketing allows the retailer to eliminate marketing costs that the retailer would otherwise have to incur in case the retailer decided to hire e third party carry out marketing techniques for the retailer.

It allows the retailer to establish credibility with the consumer because of the direct interaction between the consumer/prospective consumer and the retailer that retail marketing incorporates.

Retail Marketing

Retailers generally use retail marketing as a tool to make their consumers feel as comfortable as possible with the goods and services that they have to offer. Retail marketing serves to allow the consumers to observe the retail outlet through a perspective that encourages them to make a purchase from the retail establishment (Liljenwall 2004).

It is for the same reason that retail marketing incorporates a significant amount of communication on the part of the retail marketer in order to educate the consumers and the prospective consumers about the goods and services that the subject retail outlet has to offer.

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