Thesis: The Role of CRM in Brand Loyalty

Sample Thesis Paper

The role of customer relationship management in the development of brand loyalty is a subject of discussion that would be incomplete without considering the fact that brand loyalty development deals heavily with the retention of current customers and that giving consideration to the fact that the core concept of customer relationship management on its own. Each mile covered in a customer relationship management strategy translates into a widening of the loyalty that the customer has for that brand in the future if not immediately (Lauchlan 2006). Brand loyalty takes its most concrete form when the commitment, conscious or subconscious, is translated into action at the time of decision making on the part of the consumer. The combination of habit and loyalty comes together at this point and inertia against alternative brand is observed.
Once that has been achieved, the ultimate goal of branding is pursued with even more vigor. As selling rates speed up and sales volumes increases with premium pricing benefits in the most successful of scenarios, positive sentiment regarding the brand begins to spread in the public. At this point, as discussed above, the brand consumers become the brands advocates as they spread the word about the product. At this point, the experience that the customer is going through is subject to consistency. It is important to note here that unless consistency was maintained, the loyalty that has been built in the consumers mind set would weaken and possibly be replaced by a competitor’s product. However, if the element of consistency is maintained, then the brand can develop beyond the point of influence from external brands.

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