Thesis: Stages of Identity Theft

Sample Thesis Paper

There are three discernable stages of identity theft which have been identified. At a basic level credit card theft may be considered to be one of them, however, today credit card fraud is a more manageable concern since today financial transactions are almost instantaneous enabling any theft to be discovered quickly. The main stage of identity theft begins with of course the acquisition of identity. This is of course contingent upon the security measures put in place by the institution where the information is being held and who the individual in question shares the particular information with. This may be done by a variety of methods such as trickery or even by circumventing legal methods. However, one of the most common methods used today to commit such crimes goes by the name of phishing. Phishing is a process of gaining an individual’s trust to acquire personal information through the use of electronic communication. It has become the method of choice for identity theft on the internet (Litan 2004).
The second stage of identity theft is one of use. In this the use may constitute anything from finances to the identity itself for immigration purposes. The third stage is one of discovery. According to research studies the discovery of identity theft of an individual may be directly proportional to the amount of loss the individual incurs. Thus, depending on its use and how much it affects the individual’s life, it may take more or less time to discern whether an individual’s identity has been stolen (Graeme R. Newman, 2005).

There are three discernable stages of identity theft which have been identified. At a basic level credit card theft may be considered to be one of them, however, today credit card fraud is a more manageable concern since today financial transactions are almost instantaneous enabling any theft to be discovered quickly. The main stage of identity theft begins with of course the acquisition of identity. This is of course contingent upon the security measures put in place by the institution where the information is being held and who the individual in question shares the particular information with. This may be done by a variety of methods such as trickery or even by circumventing legal methods. However, one of the most common methods used today to commit such crimes goes by the name of phishing. Phishing is a process of gaining an individual’s trust to acquire personal information through the use of electronic communication. It has become the method of choice for identity theft on the internet (Litan 2004). The second stage of identity theft is one of use. In this the use may constitute anything from finances to the identity itself for immigration purposes. The third stage is one of discovery. According to research studies the discovery of identity theft of an individual may be directly proportional to the amount of loss the individual incurs. Thus, depending on its use and how much it affects the individual’s life, it may take more or less time to discern whether an individual’s identity has been stolen (Graeme R. Newman, 2005).

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