Thesis: Survey Questionnaire Approach

Sample Thesis Paper


Considering the fact that the survey questionnaire approach has been selected as the primary data collection instrument, it is imperative to note that this approach has specific attributes that should be kept in mind. The research questionnaire survey approach requires an extensive degree of reliability on the development of the questionnaire (Gubrium & Holstein, 2002). A seemingly minor error in the phrasing of a question or the formulation of an answer can render the findings of the survey questionnaire useless and can jeopardize the entire study. Unintended bias on the part of the researcher during the development of the survey questionnaire or on the part of the respondent during the answering of the survey questionnaire may also serve to alter the research findings.

The study aims to make use of peer reviewed publications as a secondary data source. While this source of data may be one that is highly authentic may be one that can be trusted for its validity, it is not one that can be denied realization of its limitations (Goddard & Melville, 2004). It is essential to realize that certain limitations may have existed at the time when the former researches were carried out and they may have had implications on the findings of these researches. In this regard, the integration of these former researches into this study may cause the former limitations to have passive implications on this particular research.

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