Thesis Station

These are frequently asked questions about Thesis Station

Thesis Station

Are your services trustworthy?

We have been in this business for quite a long time and have satisfied many customers from various parts of the world.

It is obvious to get perplexed for anyone who is new to acquiring online services but our services are trustworthy and you definitely will not have problems regarding deadlines and the quality of your thesis.

As we mentioned, all your thesis assignments are written entirely from scratch and undergo strict proofreading procedures before being handed over to you.

In addition, your contact information is kept confidential to ensure a safe transaction from Thesis Station.

If we make blunders in providing trustworthy services to our clients worldwide, we are likely to lose potential clients, which can dent our reputation as an authentic online thesis writing assistant.

Question) How qualified are your writers?

Most of our writers have PhD or Master’s degrees from prestigious US institutes, so your thesis papers are written in a highly professional manner. We have a stringent hiring policy and ensure that every writer hired at the thesis station holds at least a Master’s degree.

Question) Can I correspond with the writer once the thesis writing paper is ordered at Thesis Station?

Once you place a thesis writing order at thesis station you are provided with a tracking number that can help you directly correspond with the writer and as a result you can always check the progress of your Thesis Station order under processing stage.

You can always provide necessary instructions to the writer during the processing stage of your thesis paper.

Question) What about plagiarism issues?

Answer. Plagiarism is a serious concern on the internet, and many people do not trust online thesis-writing services. Still, at Thesis Station, we can ensure you that every thesis paper you order is written from scratch.

Once the thesis paper is completed, stringent proofreading procedures are performed to ensure that every word is authentic.

Moreover, we have the technology to check your thesis papers for any traces of plagiarism. In addition, if any of our writer is caught plagiarizing he/she is fired from the job.

Therefore, no of our writers dare to plagiarize due to such harsh penalties.