The social learning theory has been the theoretical foundation for the majority of studies on sport socialization. To date, this perspective has been the most popular and most productive framework in both theory and empirical findings. In an effort to explain why people behave as they do, social learning theory emphasizes the prominent roles played by vicarious, symbolic, and self-regulatory processes in psychological functioning.
Tag: Thesis Paper
Thesis on Character Education in Mississippi
The techniques now practiced in teaching character education offer a temporary solution by Today’s society expects public schools to correct social problems with educators being directed to address the needs of their students.
In an effort to help prepare Mississippi’s children for the task of thinking critically to solve problems in conflict resolution, parenting, and the challenges of living in today’s complex society, the Mississippi legislators created House Bill 1467.
House Bill 1467 passed into law in 1994 requires that high schools in the state of Mississippi offer Family Dynamics classes to their students. During their regular legislative session, representatives and senators deemed it worthy to enact legislation that provided grades 10 through 12 in all school districts in Mississippi with Family and Consumer Science programs.
Their legislation also provided state funding for such programs and authorized school districts and community/junior college districts to apply for funding for Family and Consumer Sciences training programs. Section 1 of House Bill 1467, cited in the Mississippi Department of Education Resource Manual for Family Dynamics, also mandated that prior to July 1, 1997, all local school districts would provide programs of education in Family and Consumer Sciences for grades 10, 11, and 12 that would include course work in responsible parenting and family living skills.
According to the bill, programs are to include instruction that prepares students to assume responsibility for meeting the challenges of living in today’s complex society. Curriculum emphasis is placed on nutrition, emotional health, and physical health. An outgrowth of House Bill 1467 has been a Family and Consumer Sciences course entitled Family Dynamics.
The Family Dynamics curriculum focuses on teaching students to utilize skills in critical thinking, decision making, conflict management, communication, and resource management as they relate to personal development, understanding the family in today’s society, and parenting decisions and responsibilities.
The one-semester Family Dynamics course cannot solve the complex problems of society alone but can be a part of the solution by assisting students to understand the need for strong family units where individuals can develop in a healthy environment.
Thesis on the Symptoms of ADHD
ADHD is a neurological disorder of the executive features of the brain. ADHD people have difficulty with self regulation, concentration, and organisation. It stands for hyperactivity disorder of attention deficit (ADHD).
Symptoms of ADHD includes:
- Lack of attention
- Bad Time Control Management
- Poor management of impulses
- Exaggerated thoughts
- Hyperfocus phenomenon
- Overactivity
- Dysfunction of executives
Symptoms of ADHD differ by person. Some or only any of the above symptoms can be encountered by you or your infant, along with those detailed in the DSM-V. ADHD is characterised by many patients and physicians as an iceberg, where most signs lie buried beneath the sea, out of sight but ever present. Take one of our free , confidential tests below to see whether you can get a formal diagnosis whether you believe you or a loved one may have ADHD.
Thesis on The MMR Hypothesis
MMR Hypothesis
MMR Hypothesis – The tale of how vaccines were brought into question as a cause of autism stretches back to the 1990s. In 1995, a cohort study was published in the Lancet by a group of British researchers, finding that people who were infected with the measles-mumps-rubella ( MMR) vaccine were more likely than people who had not administered MMR to develop bowel disease.
Gastroenterologist Andrew Wakefield, MD, was one of these researchers, who went beyond that to investigate the potential correlation between the vaccine and bowel disease by speculating that chronic vaccine virus infection triggered intestinal tissue damage, which in turn contributed to bowel disease and neuropsychiatric disease (autism in particular). Any studies have recently indicated that part of this theory is that vaccination is linked with autism.
Wakefield conducted a case series report in the Lancet in 1998, along with 12 co-authors, reporting that they find signs of measles virus in the digestive tracts of children who had shown autism symptoms after MMR vaccination in many of the 12 cases they examined.
He proposed the suspension of the MMR combination vaccine in favour of single-antigen vaccines offered individually over time.
MMR Hypothesis
The probability of a correlation between MMR and autism was comprehensively investigated over the next twelve years. No reputable, valid research supported the results of Wakefield; instead, there was no correlation between MMR and bowel disease or MMR and autism in several well-designed trials.
The BMJ released a report by Brian Deer. For this new report, Deer consulted with parents of children from the retracted study and found evidence that Wakefield perpetrated test deception by falsifying details regarding the circumstances of the children.
Deer noticed after reviewing the records for all twelve children that the claims made in the paper did not fit the numbers from the records of any of the following categories: children with regressive autism; children with non-specific colitis; or children with original signs within days of acquiring the MMR vaccine.
The Lancet paper argued that six of the children had all three of these conditions; not a single child really did, according to the documents.
While scientists have long debunked the conclusions of Wakefield ‘s paper, the proof that the research itself has been falsified renders this study by the BMJ a seminal event in vaccine history.
There is clear evidence that the initial thesis may not have been conducted because it was not only improperly performed, and moreover that it was a result of scientific fraud.