Assignment on Seven Elements of Counseling

There are seven elements of counseling. These elements describe the conditions required for effective counseling. They are:-

1. a trained professional counselor who is competent in understanding an extensive range of problems is required. The counselor does not need to be a practicing professional counselor but does need academic training and practical experience.

2. A relationship including mutual understanding must exist between the counselor and the client.

3. Counseling requires both counseling expertise and supportive personality. These qualities must mutually exist to develop a growth-producing atmosphere. A supportive environment and competencies are required for an individual to receive maximum assistance.

4. Counseling is a process through which an individual unlearns maladaptive behavior and learns adaptive behavior. Maladaptive behavior, abnormal or normal, interferes with desired accomplishments.

5. The counseling process should help an individual to relate with self and others, develop a more integrated nature, and develop a less fragmented personality. Thus, the individual should become less confrontational and exhibit less aggressive behavior. Relating is a fundamental psychological requirement which can only continue through interpersonal relationships.

6. The individuals must be prepared to psychologically relate to themselves and others, thus producing growth in both intrapersonal and interpersonal competencies.

7. Counseling must exhibit a relationship existing between a counselor and individual seeking help. The individual who solicits counseling must indeed be pursuing assistance.

The personal growth or advising functions are relative to both work and non-work situations. The advising function encourages and contributes to morale and motivation. The advisor serves as a role model within the organization. Further, personal advising consists of praising and functioning as a confidante, fostering friendship, and creating a trusting relationship.

The teaching classification contained seven functions performed by mentors. The seven functions include: providing instructions for technical skills, providing opportunities to acquire technical knowledge, providing personal instructions, providing information about the current job, providing information about organizational culture, advising about organizational politics, and providing them opportunities to acquire skills necessary for the future jobs. The mentor provides these either by personal instructions or by referral to other sources providing the appropriate information.